Sons are prefered in some countries.
Hello! In today's class, I learned sons are prefered to daughters in some countries. When I heard this, I remembered what my chinese friend said before. Sons are also prefered in China. Thesedays, we can know the baby's gender when they are still in the belly of theri mother. So when chinese people know their baby is girl, some people have an abortion. Because there is one chils policy in China. Therefore, they can have only one child and many people want son. The governmetn of China thought this is a not good thing. Therefore, they ban to hospital to tell the baby's gender to their parent. I think it's sad thing that people have abortion only because their baby is girl. I don't know why sons are prefered in China but I think people have traditional or conservative thinking. I think Japan getting change their mind to gender. However, the thinking that prefer sons are still remain i think.
In some countries, women don't have power, and in a very hard position. I think it is necessary to make the society that men and women are equal to make a really developed country.
In some countries, women don't have power, and in a very hard position. I think it is necessary to make the society that men and women are equal to make a really developed country.
At 1:19 AM,
aoba said…
Hi, Natsumi, I don't know it is realated to fetus gender identifying, but I consider about infant genetic illness identifying. We can know whether the baby has genetic illness or not, when they are in tummy. In fact, I cannot deny I would choose abortion my baby has genetic illness, ofcourse I would feel great guilty, but when I consider everything, like financial thing, I think,not everybody can choose baring and raising those kids. So, in China, also not everybody can bare and raise girls. I do not promote or have affirmative attitude with abortion of baby girls, but I think the problem is not so easy, when we see whole picture of China.
At 11:53 PM,
Scott Douglas said…
I think I would be happy with a girl or a boy. Both have something wonderful to offer to the world. It's a shame that people feel driven to have abortions based on the gender of their unborn child.
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