Shopping bags
I read the news about shopping bag. In Japan, when we buy something on the store, we can have shopping bags free. However, government are thinking about the law that prohibit the store to give shopping bags to customers free. In some countries, people already have to pay money when they need prastic bag at the store. When I went to Taiwan, I have to pay money when I need shopping bag. I feel people waste a lot of shopping bags. When I go to the convenience store, people who work there give me shopping bag even when I buy small things such as gum. I read that in Japan, it is said that 10% of the garbage from house is shopping bag. Therefore, I think it is good way to reduce the garbage. It is not only good to reduce the garbage, but also good to save oil which is needed when prastic bags are made. However, there are people who disagree with this idea because they don't want to pay money for shopping bags.
At 1:34 AM,
Scott Douglas said…
I think paying for shopping bags is such a good idea. I'm still shocked at how whenever I buy even a little thing at the store, they try and put it in a bag . . . I always have to say "iranai" or "irimasen", but sometimes people don't understand me and still give me a bag. I Canada I never got a bag for every little thing.
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