natsumi's blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

presentations about endangered animals

We did presentations about endangered animals in class today.
It is good opportunity for me to know about endangered animals.
I was surprised and became sad to know that many animals are endangered because of human's selfish activities, hunting and destroying their habitat. We destroyed their peaceful lives and made them to face the crisis of extinction. Therefore, now, we have to do something to protect them. I think today's presentation was good step. Knowing about them is very important i think. I even didn't know elephant and rhinoceros are endangered animal. Because i can see them anytime i go to the zoo.
When i think about animals in the zoo, i often feel sad. Because mosy of them seems not happy in the small cage. I went to the zoo in Australia. It was really different from japanese one. Animals are not in a small cage and looks much more free than japanese zoo animals. And people who visit the zoo can contact with animals closely.
I can also learn how to give a presentation by using a power point from today's presentation.
I want to use it better.

Monday, June 20, 2005

where is my mobile phone....

Hi! It is very hot today. News said now is the rainy season but it is no rain thesedays.
Well, I had trouble. I lost my mobile phone three days ago.... On that day I only went to school and korean restaurant near the university. I searched university and that restrant but I couldn't find it. So I spend no mobile phone life now and I realized how I depended on my mobile phone. It is very uncomvinient to live no mobile phone life. I didn't have a mobile phone when I was a junior high school student, but now I can't imagine no mobile phone life. However at the same time, i thought sometimes no mobile phone life is good. It is unconvinient when I want to know where is my friend or tell something important emargently. However, when I think well about mobile phone, it is rare that I really need mobile phone. I got used to having mobile phone and the life which I always can contact with other people. Therefore, it is kind of fresh(?) time now. However, if it last long, I will have problem. So I will buy a new one soon. Anyway, I can't guess where is my mobile phone now. If someone find my mobile phone, please give it back to me. And if someone find white "au" mobile phone with strange monkey strap, it is mine! So please tell me. I used my mobile phone as an alarm clock. I'm worry if I can get up early and go to school on time.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hi! Thesedays, I have a lot of homeworks and I am tired about it.
I can't stop thinking about summer vacation....
Yesterday, I saw people who pick up the trash on the road.
I did such activities when I was a elementary school students.
I was appreciated these people who pick up the trash.
I can't understand why there are people who drop their trash in the street not into the garbage can.
I saw some electrical appliances were dumped in the mountain.
I heard that in Sigapore people have strict rules about trash and they have to pay fine if they drop trash in teh street. Therefore, Singapore is a very clean.
I hope Japan will be a clean city ther are no trashs on the road without any laws but only by people's right mind.